ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Conclusion Combination of EBRT and stereotactic hypofractionated boost is a safe and effective option for dose escalation in patients with advanced floor of the mouth tumors who are ineligible for surgical treatment and require a non-invasive approach. This study demonstrated the feasibility of this combined radiation regime with a moderate toxicity profile. PO-1019 Influence of glutamine in mucositis secondary to antineoplasic therapies in head and neck cancer. A. Torres García 1 , Á. Fernández Forné 1 , M.C. Cruz Muñoz 1 , F.J. Peracaula Espino 1 , M. Acuña Mora 1 1 hospital Punta Europa, Radiation Oncology, Algeciras, Spain Purpose or Objective The incidence of severe mucositis is high in patients with head and neck tumors treated with radiation therapy (RT) ± chemotherapy (QT). Glutamine is the most abundant free aminoacid in plasma and tissues, it is a precursor to protein synthesis and it is involved in active cell replication. Our main objective is to assess whether oral glutamine administration during RT ± QT treatment decreases the incidence of severe acute mucositis.

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