
Rhythmic movement has benefits for all children and of particular importance to students with disabilities. Benefits of RM specifically include the following: • Gaining and Keeping Attention • Impulse Control

increase in future settings as the individual becomes more comfortable. • Brain exercises – changing the sequencing of the movements such as turning a hoop or rhythm, switching hands on command (e.g., doing the above items but switching to the opposite hand; an example of this would be switching the hand holding the hoop or ribbon on command). Conclusion As noted, RM has been shown to be an effective teaching technique for individuals with disabilities. (Hastie et al., 2005). The authors noted the definition and description of RM as well as the potential benefits of using RM as an instructional technique for students with disabilities. References Hastie, P. A., Martin, E. H., & Gibson, G. S. (2005). Teaching rhythmic movement to children. Teaching Elementary Physical Education , 16 (5), 38–41. Holy Name University. (2019). P.E 2 . Physical education http:// Kovar, S., Combs, C., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., & Worrell, V. (2011) . Elementary classroom teachers as move- ment educators. McGraw Hill: New York, NY. Merriam Webster. (n.d.). Definition of Rhythm. Www.merriam rhythm Story, S. (n.d.). Move play thrive - What is rhythmic movement training? Move Play Thrive. Retrieved February 22, 2024, from is-rhythmic-movement-training Tendinha, R., Alves, M. D., Freitas, T., Appleton, G., Gonçalves, L., Ihle, A., Gouveia, É. R., & Marques, A. (2021). Impact of sports education model in physical education on students’ motivation: A systematic review. Children , 8 (7), 588. https://

• Emotional Maturity • Sensory Processing • Visual Skills • Speech and Language Development • Brain Connectivity • Physical Strength and Stamina (Story, n.d.)

An example of using RM during physical education to assist children to learn would be an activity as simple as chanting “A, B, Cs” as jumping a rope or jumping up and down. The following list notes other activities involving RM. • Alternating hands and feet in movements – Basic dance movements: step slide, criss cross, plie, grapevine, sashay, moon walk, pirouette, running man, sprinkler, and spin and turn • Using both side of the body in opposition – walking with alternating arms, running with alternating arms, dribbling a basketball with the right and left hand to music, throwing from the right hand to the left hand to music, throwing scarves from the right hand to the left hand with music, and rhythmic gymnastics (RM of arms and legs to music while using items such as a hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon and rope.) • Cross-midline movements – Two hands catching on both sides of the body (crossing the midline), rhythmic gymnastics (RM of arms and legs to music while using items such as a hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon and rope.) • Duration of exercise – The duration of the activity should start short and be closely monitored. The duration should

6 • Virginia AHPERD • SPRING-SUMMER 2024

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