Coolmore Brochure 2016
FIRST CROP YEARLINGS HAVE SOLD FOR € 675,000 M V Magnier € 340,000 Sackville Donald € 220,000 George Moore Bloodstock € 160,000 Rob Speers
€ 150,000 Amanda Skiffington € 140,000 Sackville Donald
€ 120,000 Gestüt Winterhauch € 115,000 Charlie Gordon-Watson € 110,000 Norman Steel € 110,000 George Mullins € 105,000 Nicolas Clement / Tina Rau € 105,000 Jean-Claude Rouget € 100,000 Sackville Donald € 100,000 Crampscastle Bloodstock € 100,000 Fiona Shaw / Marc Keller
EXCELEBRATION Exceed And Excel - Sun Shower (Indian Ridge) wInneR OF THRee GROUP 1’S AnD BUT FOR FRAnKeL He’D HAVe wOn THRee MORe!
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