The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

haps silently, "I love You, Lord. This day is all about You and Your priorities." Tell Him some­ thing you appreciate about Him. (That's praise.) Determine to do the same thing each night when your head hits the pillow. Then do it as many days as you can remember to. A simple note attached to your alarm clock or mirror may help. I know of a pastor who gave each of his men a miniature bottle of Tabasco sauce. He instructed them to put it someplace where they would see it each morning (like the shower). It was to be a reminder to pray each morn­ ing that they would be "red hot" for God. Step 2 Continue the morning and evening habit of checking in with God, and at one of those times-you choose, morning or evening-add a simple but meaningful request for some person or issue close to your heart, such as a family member or an important decision. This may be as short as one sentence, and it may be the same or different from day to day. Tell God your specific desire. Rather than a general, "Bless Sally," ask something like, "Help Sally to be patient with the kids today." Step 3 Continue your daily prayer habit, this time expanding your time-either morning or evening-to two minutes each day, at least five days of the week. Choose a theme for your requests, something important to you, such as family or a significant need in your life. If you run out of things to ask, simply think about God's presence, remaining silent or saying whatever comes to mind. Start writing down your requests to help you remember them. You might simply use key words or phrases. Use any type of pape1; cards, or notebook. (This is one type of prayer jour­ naling.) Step 4 Continue your daily prayer habit, this week praying three minutes a clay, at least five days a week. Continue to write down your requests and to pray with your list available. Feel free still to focus on those people and needs most important to you. Step 5 Increase your daily prayer time to five minutes a day, at least five days a week. If you prefer some time other than waking or bedtime, put it on your daily schedule and keep your appointments with God. You are encouraged to spend additional time praying each clay while doing other tasks, such as driving or exercising. Begin to include a limited number of requests for people or issues beyond those that are

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