The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

Step 12 On the following scale, indicate the level of your current motivation to pray. Have you changed since Step 6? Even if you haven't, accept yourself, and move on.

Motivation to Pray










Have to

Want to

Follow the instructions in Step 11. Repeating the same pattern will help solidify the gains you have made in your prayer life. Focus on enjoying the Lord who is there with you. Remember that He enjoys your company and that He hears eve1y request. Some time this week, take a few minutes to read any tentative goals you wrote down on last week's new goal list. Prayerfully decide on one or two new goals you want to pursue, or continue with goals you are already implementing. Step 13 Increase your daily prayer time to ten minutes. Start the habit of keeping your open Bible in front of you, allowing God to speak to you through His Word as you read for at least a minute or two. Consider selections from Psalms 98-100, 103, 104. Continue to write down your prayer requests and any tentative goals that come to mind. Keep meeting weekly with your prayer partner. Start sharing with each other one or two growth goals you have decided on. Do this each week, checking up on past goals. Don't let your list get too long (between three and ten is plenty, including your prayer goals). Set aside one continuous hour for praye1� as in Steps 11 and 12. Prayerfully review your previous week's new tentative goal list, and decide on any new goals you want to pursue. Step 14 Increase your prayer time to a cumulative fifteen minutes each day. This might be all in one session, or broken up into two or more sessions throughout the day. You are also encouraged to spend additional time praying while you go about your daily tasks. Keep meeting weekly with your prayer partner. Set aside one continuous hour for prayer some time during the week. Prayerfully review your previous week's new tentative goal list, and decide on any new goals you want to pursue.

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