The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

6. Make a list of seven lost people and pray for them weekly.

7. Read twenty pages eve1y week from a good, Bible-based book.

8. Establish personal goals for yourself, different from these corporate goals. Write them down; then read those goals at least once each week.

9. Be faithful to attend the men's breakfast each month, being sure to bring your verses and your personal goals to report on your progress.

10. Email the men in your group eve1y week, even if you did poorly at reaching your goals.

11. Faithfully pray for each of the men in your group as you read their reports. Praying as you read the reports will ensure you will do it. T1y to send prayer requests with each of your weekly reports, and respond to each other's emails.

12. Be honest and transparent-no "smoke blowing."

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