The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

12. Praye1·-risky, passionate prayer-is the tool God will use to fulfill great dreams through you and me. List a few words and phrases that describe the kind of prayer habit you would like to develop, in order to become God:� instrument to accomplish the miraculous.

Charles Spurgeon sang a lot. Someone once asked him, "Why do you sing so much?" He answered, "BecauseI'm happy." This begged the next question, "Why are you so happy?" His answer: "Because I sing." In the same way, prayer and passion have areciprocaleffect. If you begin to praymore, your passion f o r God's dreams increases. As your passion grows, you long to pray more that God will do great things through you. God will use those who want to be used greatly. Acknowledge your built-in sense of destiny, your hunger for significance. Fan that spark, seek God's heart, and soon you'll shine with a white hot flame, and themiraculous will flow out of your life.

13. Read Psalms 86:3 and 88:1. Why would anyone pray all day or night?

Through the lessons to follow, you'll make several key decisions about the particulars of your prayer life. At this point, take a few minutes to talk to your Father, who has granted you the privilege of prayer. Tell Him your dreams for your future, and enjoy His pleasure. The Next Step At the end of each lesson, you'll be prompted to put your commitment to prayer into practice. Glance ahead at Appendix A: "'I\venty Steps to Daily Prayer," beginning on page 147, and choose your personal starting point. Take it easy; better to enjoy a little prayer at first than to frustrate yourself. If "Going Further and Deeper" below is an exercise you could realistically do at least once a week, while including a few minutes of prayer each of the other days, then you might start with Step 9 or 10. Memory Passage "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." -John 14:12

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