The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

1john 4:7,16

ljohn 4:19

john 13:34

john 15:9,12

3. Why is prayer critical to our comprehension of God's love (Ephesians 3:17-19)?

4. Why is prayer critical to our ability to give and receive love in our human relation­ ships (I 771essalonians 3:12-13)?

How to Know God's Love To the degree that we understand and accept God's love for us, to that degree we will be able to give it and receive it. So, then, how can we comprehend God's love? I've discovered several ways in the Bible, but I want to focus here on the most important. The foremost way to comprehend God's love is for Him to tell us that He loves us.

5. Describe in your own words the way that God communicates love to us, according to Romans 8:15-16.

Some of us hear and receive God's loving affirmations more than others. Why is that? It's because of the next principle, which is the central key to this entire lesson: God com­ municates His love to our spirits when we verbally tell Him that we love Him. "Worship" is another word for telling God, "I love you." The more you tell Him that you loveHim, the more He tells you the same in return. The extent of His love doesn't change, but

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