The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

Your dream notes may stern from one of four sources (although discerning between these is difficult and not always necessary):

.. Thoughts from God. .. Your own original thoughts. .. Thoughts from the world (good, neutral, or evil sources). .. Thoughts from Satan and his demons.

Careful prayer, reflection, and review, especially based on your current knowledge of God's Word, can help you isolate the dream notes you are confident are guided and provided by God.

9. Select the dream notes you believe God wishes you to pursue, and translate them into goal statements: "I plan to...." Give each goal a starting date. Begin with small goals.Be careful about major goals that are new to you.If they are truly from God, He will persist in bringing them to your mind over time. 10. Continue practicing your dreaming with God. The Good Shepherd says that His sheep recognize His voice Qohn 10:1-5).As you grow in your familiarity with Him, you can expect to become better at recognizing His desires for each day, week, month, and year of your life ...and even His lifetime plans for you will become clearer. 11. Caution: Should you experience a strong leading or prompting through these prayer times that requires a major change in your life-a large expenditure, extended commit­ ment, or change of relationship-move carefully.God is not forgetful, and you won't miss anything of true importance if you act with prudence. For major decisions, please seek advice from at least three people of prayer you respect before taking action.

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