The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

ence changes you to be more like Him.

7. What if you regularly prayed the prayer of Ephesians 3:14-19 for yourself? What changes would you see as God began to answer?

F. Prayer produces boldness, courage, and passion to reach lost friends, neighbors, and relatives for Christ. Prayer cultivates inside you the heart of Jesus-compassion for people in need. At first, you might pray for lost people simply because it's the right thing to do. But as you persist, you will gain Christ's heart, the heart that caused Him to come to earth, to suffer and to die.

8. W1Jy was it necessa1y for even the zealous apostle Paul to depend on prayer for his passion in witnessing {Ephesians 6:19)?

G. Prayer combats Satan's influence over you and others. Our enemy is skill­ ful and powerful. He wants nothingmore than to destroy us and our impact on the world. It's hard enough to fight something you can see, but you can't smash a fist or drive a sword into this enemy (unless of course it is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God). However, you can call on God Almighty, and He will fight the battle for you. Especially if you have any role of leadership----even as a parent-your God-given authority to impact other lives through prayer surpasses privilege. It's a sobering responsibility.

9. W1Jat do you learn about prayer and spiritual wa1farefrom each of the following?

john 17:15

2 Corinthians 4:4

2 Corinthians 11:3

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