The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

B. Misplaced contentment. What I am about to saymay shock you: Contentment is very bad.Never, never be content. The more you receive from God and achieve for God, the less content you ought to be. Now let me clarify: I'm speaking about contentment with a spiritual plateau, where you stop reaching for God and all the pursuits that bring Him glory.On the other hand, it is right to be content with earthly things (finances, house, car).The world is discontent with the wrong things, with the objects that serve us only in this life.In contrast, the world is quite apathetic toward anything of eternal worth.

17. How does Paul clarify appropriate and inappropriate contentment in Philippians 4:11-12 and 1 Timothy 6·6-9?

C. Fear offailure. As our passion grows, we encounter risks.The greater the desire, the greater the pain if it isn't fulfilled.Fear of disappointment and failure tempts us to throttle back on our passion, but the wise man thwart� that temptation and begs God to fill him with passion.We are each destined for disappointment and pain, but the gains to be achieved through passion for God far outweigh the losses.In fact, even pain is a good thing, when allowed by God as part of His maturing process (James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-9).Greater passion, greater achievement, and greater blessing will result. Fear of failure will lead to less prayer, less effort, less servanthood, fewer sacrifices ...and less blessing.God save me from such a fate!

18. In what pursuits of your life do you identify most strongly with the fears of the unfaithful steward in Matthew 25:24-30?

D. Comparison with others. It's possible for desire for godly success to subtly trans­ form into dissatisfaction, due to jealousy over someone else's success.The object of one's desire shifts from God's values to a worldly one-upmanship, and misplaced desire kills pas­ sion.The heart becomes apathetic, weary and dty, content with mediocrity.

19. Read 2 Corinthians 10:12. What insecurities within you might cause you to play the comparison game?

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