VC Library Handbook


Students may search the library’s online catalog for e-books and print titles held at any Vernon College library or resource room.

Checking-out and Downloading E-books

See the section, Downloading eBooks, for instructions on checking-out and downloading the library’s e -books to a Chrome Book, iPad, PC, or other personal device.

Note: •

E-books can be checked-out for a period of from 1-7 days. • Once the check-out period has expired, the book is rendered inaccessible and automatically returned for use by other patrons. • Books may also be returned at any time prior to the date due. • Holds : If the e-book is in use, you will be given the option of placing the e-book on hold. Once the e-book becomes available, you will be notified via email and given 2 days in which to check-out the book before it is released from the hold.

Off Campus Access to Databases Find Articles

Databases offer 24/7 access to journal articles, reference materials, newspapers, and career resources off campus from any Internet connection. Enter your keywords or terms to search hundreds of magazines and journals for information on your topic.

To access databases off-campus: •

Go to the library homepage at: • Select “ Articles ” from the main content window. • Choose a subject area such as “General Research/Reference.” • Select a database such as “Academic Search Complete.” • Login with your Vernon College student ID number and PIN (without Chaps).

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