October 2017 Catalogue for Swiss & SAS



It’s the ‘Pearl of the Orient’ and a big spender’s dream; Shanghai offers everything from 7-star luxury to traditional heritage. We experience China’s biggest city in a way few people get to: the ‘First Class’ way.

Hong Kong

Would you spend $160,000 a night on a hotel suite? Well in Hong Kong you can. First Class takes you places only the über wealthy can afford.


It’s being billed as China’s Hawaii and billions of dollars are being spent to propel Hainan into one of the world’s top tourist hotspots. But when it comes to luxury, what does the tropical island have to offer? First Class has the insider’s guide to Hainan.

First Class Goes Gourmet

Who are the world's top celebrity chefs, and what does it take to earn that coveted Michelin star? From the Fat Duck to Wolfgang Puck, we bring you all the sizzle in this special gourmet edition of First Class.


Susan Li travels to Tokyo to sample the first class travellers lifestyle.


From The Ritz to a rural retreat, from Bonhams to the Goring Hotel, Susan Li finds out how those with an unlimited budget and time to kill spend their time in the UK capital.

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