October 2017 Catalogue for Swiss & SAS

CNBC Debate: Banking on Growth

Martin Soong takes a closer look at the state of the banking industry in Indonesia : Southeast Asia's largest economy.

CNBC Debate: Plugging Asia's Infrastructure Gap

Martin Soong hosts CNBC Debate from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's annual meeting in Jeju , with perspective on plugging Asia's infrastructure gap.

CNBC Debate: Wealth of Nations

Sovereign Wealth Funds are a powerful force in the investment world with a combined value last year of $7 trillion. But can they drive economic growth? How should their cash be used?

CNBC Debate: ASEAN 50

CNBC Debate discusses the growth outlook as well as ASEAN’s position in the world.

CNBC Debate: Talking Trade

When it comes to logistics, funding and regulation what can be done to guarantee Asia’s position as the world’s trade leader ? Join CNBC’s Martin Soong as he talks trade, tariffs and infrastructure.

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