wiUSA December 2013

Chemical contract

Marmon Engineered Wire & Cable affiliates, RSCC Wire & Cable and Dekoron Wire & Cable, have contracts to supply high performance cables to the SadaraChemical joint venture between Dow Chemical and Saudi Aramco. DekoronWire&Cableproduces custom TC-ER cables for instrumentation applications, offered in single end up to 24-pair count multi-conductor product types.

RSCC, through its Exane ® business unit, will provide its VITALink 2000 power, control and instrumentation fire rated cables. Robert Canny, vice president and general manager, said: “VITALink 2000 cablewas selectedbecauseof its performance capabilities in a catastrophic petrochemical fire. These cables will be used for all critical, life safety, and emergency circuits at the plant such as emergency lighting, fire alarms and emergency isolation valves.”

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