wiUSA December 2013



17-18 June: Polymers in Cables Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Conference www.amiplastics-na.com SEPTEMBER 24-27 September: wire China 2014 Shanghai, China Exhibition www.wirechina.net

APRIL 7-11 April: wire Düsseldorf 2014 Düsseldorf, Germany Exhibition www.wire.de MAY 6-7 May: Wire Expo 2014 Indianapolis, IN, USA Exhibition www.wirenet.org 14-15 May: National Electric Wire Processing Expo Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Exhibition

OCTOBER 28-30 October: wire India Mumbai, India Exhibition www.wire-india.com

NOVEMBER TBA: IWCS Rhode Island, USA Conference and table top exhibition

www.epishows.com 14-17 May: Lamiera Bologna, Italy Exhibition www.lamiera.net

www.iwcs.org 2015 April 28-30 April: Interwire 2015 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Exhibition www.wirenet.org

JUNE 16-18 June: Guangzhou International Guangzhou, China Exhibition www.metalchina-gz.com

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