Social Studies HS Guide



● See US History II Year at aGlance ● Work together as a

PLC to determine individual standard pacing.

STANDARDS Students will identify civil rights objectives held by various groups, assess the strategies used, and evaluate the success of the various civil rights movements in reaching their objectives, paying specifc attention to American Indian, women, and other racial and ethnic minorities. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS ● Civil rights objectives ● Strategies ● Success ● Civil rights movements ● American Indian ● Women ● Identify ● Assess ● Evaluate ● Identify ● Argue ● Best Practices for MLs in Secondary Content Area Classes ● Identify civil rights objectives of American Indian, Chicano, and women, objectives may include: ○ American Indian: ■ AIM ■ Self-determination over Termination ○ Chicano: ■ Labor activism - improved working conditions ○ Women: ■ Social and economic equality ■ Feminine Mystique and Betty Fredian ● Assess strategies used by American Indian, Chicano, and women, strategies may include: ○ American Indian: ■ Trail of Broken Treaties ■ Alcatraz Island ■ Occupation of Wounded Knee ■ Red Power Movement ○ Chicano: ● Racial minorities ● Ethnic minorities LEARNING PROGRESSIONS

■ Cesar Chavez ■ Dorelos Huerta ■ Grape Boycott ■ League of United Latin American Citizens

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