Social Studies HS Guide

budget. ● Explain how government services and other budget priorities are funded through various forms of revenue streams, such as fees, bonding, regressive taxes (property tax and sales tax), and progressive taxes (income tax). ○ Fees - examples may include: ■ Toll fees ■ Marriage license fee ■ National Park Entrance fee ■ Vehicle Registration fee ■ Building Permit fee ○ Bonding - examples may include: ■ School bonds ■ Federal Government bonds ■ Municipal bonds ○ Analyze how each type of tax (regressive or progressive)impacts individuals differently based on income levels.


● Government services ● Budget priorities ● Revenue streams ● Fees ● Bonding ● Regressive taxes ● Property tax ● Sales tax ● Progressive taxes ● Income tax DIFFERENTIATION IN ACTION

● Inquiry

Skill Building

● Themes and Lenses


STRAND4: Fiscal Policies and Decisions




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