Social Studies HS Guide

STANDARDS Students will evaluate the long-term effects of the Mongol conquest, such as the diffusion of ideas, technologies, and disease. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) LANGUAGE SUPPORTS

● Long-term effects ● Mongol conquest ● Diffusion ● Ideas ● Technologies ● Disease

● Evaluate

● Argue ● Best Practices for MLs in Secondary Content Area Classes


● Identify and explain long-term consequences of the Mongol conquest on different regions. ○ Long-term consequences may include: ■ Political ■ Social ■ Economic ○ Regions may include: ■ Asia ■ Europe ■ India Subcontinent ● Evaluate the long-term consequences of the Mongol conquest on different regions. ● Analyze how the diffusion of ideas, technologies, and diseases shaped societies post-Mongol conquest.

VOCABULARY ● Mongol ● Diffusion ● Ideas

● Technologies ● Disease ● Political ● Social ● Economic ● Asia ● Europe ● India Subcontinent


● Inquiry

Skill Building

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