From theEditor… TheFlagand theBoard of Directorswould like to thank all thememberswho came out for theEliteBrigade andWork Weekends this year. Mother Nature cooperatedwith us the last twoworkweekends with clear sky's&dry days, so the member volunteerswere able toget a lot of cleanup accomplish - thank you for this! Weareall looking forward to openingweekend - FittingOut Party, which I am surewill bea fun-fulfilledweekend. This holidayweekend is anticipated to bea full weekend on the Island, soplease be considerate on thedocks.As I have the pleasure of being theO.D. Officer for theweekend, if there is anything I canassist themembershipwith, please feel free to ask? Please look inside for highlights onupcoming news such as, Calendar of Events, Steer Roast, KidsDay, Club Island Rendezvous, andABYASponsoredEvents.

See you on the Island,

Brent Malik Director, Publications

“If there’s noWind…Row”

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