NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page6of 8

Publications- BrentMalik $580 innewads Roster&Beacon. Updated committee list andorg chart inBeacon. All 2014Beaconsbackonwebsite. BeaconandRoster is comingalonggood. Changes and type-o’sbeing fixed inRoster. If you knowof anyonewhowouldbe interested inadvertising, please refer them toBrent. Thereare full year rates, but alsomonthly rates available. Count; 142boating, 30non-boating, 51 senior, 25 jr, 4honorary, 4waiting, 6 resign, 2 LOA.

Secretary–RandyPagel Absent no report.

Supplies –HughVestal Reviewedhow tohandleat thebar, donot over pour drinks (this cankeep thebeerprice good). Beer sales &Wine sales were down last year compared to 2012. Need to raise foodprice,will be lookedat – itwas awash, need to raisea little tomakemoney?Oilwill be $1K, paper products will increase by $500. Newmin/max list for mixes. New credit card ratebeingquoted.New credit card feeof 2.79%over3.17%. Still gettingbids toget ratedown.NextmonthHughwill bringnewpricepoints?

Transportation–Pat Carroll #3 fin in thewater. #2 in soon, #1has anew control to steer andwill be inwater second weekofMay.

Fleet Captain - IanBlackburn Board ok’edwelcome bags for incoming Club Island Rendezvous. Two drink tickets and reviewedwell rates. Motion: Moved by Brian Malik to give two drink tickets in incoming Club Island Rendezvous. SecondedbyChuckStroh. MotionCarried.

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