
Chapter 5

respond as quickly and accurately as possible and had to respond correctly within the response deadline to obtain the reward. The main experiment consisted of 160 (or 240) trials and lasted ~35 minutes with a 30 second break after every 32 (or 48) trials (table 1). In the break, the amount of money the participant earned thus far was displayed on the screen and participants were informed in advance that the total amount would be added to their financial compensation as a bonus. Analysis For each participant, we excluded the first trial of each block, trials with a response time (RT) faster than 200ms, and trials on which participants failed to respond. For each trial- type, [Reward (low, high) x Task switching (switch, repeat)], we calculated the proportion of accurate responses. For the RTs, we first excluded the erroneous trials and then calculated the mean RT for each condition. Older participants usually respond more slowly compared with younger participants and prefer accuracy over speed (Salthouse, 1996). Upon observing such a pattern in the current data, i.e. opposite correlations between age and overall RTs, and between age and accuracy, we assessed our effects in terms of changes in speed-over-accuracy strategy use. To this end, we standardized the accuracy and RT measures into z-scores, inverted these scores for the RTs to obtain a speed measure (i.e. higher z-scores reflect faster responding) and calculated a speed- accuracy-tradeoff (SAT) score ((z-speed - z-accuracy)/2), whereby a higher score indicates faster, but more inaccurate responses. Data were analyzed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.). A Shapiro-Wilk test of normality of the 4 trial-types revealed violation of the normal distribution for one trial type (p = 0.049) in terms of the SAT, and all trial-types for the RTs and accuracy were not normally distributed (all p < 0.001). We therefore performed non-parametric tests, i.e. the related-samples Wilcoxon signed rank tests to assess the effects of Reward (high vs. low), Task switching (switch vs. repeat) and the interaction between Reward and Task switching. We report the standardized test statistic as W. From the mean scores on the 4 trial types [Reward (high/low) x Task switch (switch/repeat trials)] we calculated (1) the reward effect (high - low reward), (2) switch effect (switch - repeat), and (3) the difference between the reward effect on repeat trials and the reward effect on switch trials, i.e. the degree to which an increase in reward decreases the switch effect. To break down this effect, we also reported the results for the reward effect on switch and repeat trials separately. Because age did not follow a normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk p < 0.001), we used a non-parametric Spearman’s ρ correlation – r (ρ) - to assess the relationship between these measures and age. The sample in this study consists of pooled data from several studies using the same paradigm ( table 5.1 ). Although the paradigm and instructions were essentially the same, the amount of reward participants could earn on a high-reward trial (i.e. 10 or 15 cent) or across all trials


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