The Gazette 1924-27


fain j^nrkitr uf Jfrdanir,


Vol. XVIII., No. 3]

July, 1924.



to request the Minister for Local Govern– ment to receive a deputation from the Council.

llth June. Twenty three Members present. Civil Bill Appeals.

25th June. 1924, Twenty-eight Members present. Colonial Solicitors' Act, 1900.

A letter in reply was read stating that tne Minister of Justice is well aware of the great inconvenience caused by the long delay in hearing Civil Bill appeals, and that he will endeavour to secure the hearing of these appeals as soon as possible after the relevant portions of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924, have been put into operation. Income Tax Claims. A letter in reply was read from the Chief Inspector ot Taxes (Claims), Inland Revenue, Cecil Chambers, 86 Strand, London, stating that duly qualified solicitors practising in the Irish Free State will be recognised as Agents for correspondence on behalf of their clients, provided -the necessary authority is given by the client in each case; that the repayment, order will, be forwarded to the claimant direct, but that there will be no objection. .to furnishing details of the repayment to a Solicitor^acting as his client's agent, if he so desires/ Local Government Bill, 1924. A report was submitted from, the Parlia– mentary Committee, and it was resolved

A letter was read from the late Attorney- General in reference to the request of the Council to have this Act made applicable to the Irish Free State, and it was resolved to address a communication in reply to the present Attorney-General. Court of Examiners. Reports were submitted upon two appli– cations for liberty to be bound under Section 16. Both applications were granted. Obituary. MR. WILLIAM F. WEBB, Solicitor, died upon the 16th June, 1924, at his residence, Upmeads, Halland, Sussex. Mr. Webb was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1882, and practised (latterly in partnership with Mr. Leonard Webb, under the style of Webb & Webb) at 1 Suffolk Street, -Dublin, up to the year 1914, when he retired.

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