The Gazette 1924-27

THE GAZETTE OF THE !nr0rpr0rat£& fain Storhttr 0f Jtelattft


Vol. XIX., No. 9.]

March, 1926.


Meetings of the Council.

day, and in which the Judge made separate reports, recommending compensation and costs in each case. The Minister, instead of paying the costs recommended in each case, had aggregated the amounts of compensation and paid only one set of costs on the aggregate amount and all expenses. A reply was directed to be sent pointing out that the payments under Section 15 were made as ex gratia grants, wholly in the discretion of the Minister, and the Council did not see any advantage to be gained by protest against his action in the matter. Appeals from Circuit Court. A letter was read from the Mayo Sessions Bar Association stating that the Association are of opinion that the present system of hearing appeals from Circuit Courts is most unsatisfactory, and that the only satisfactory form of appeal is a re-hearing. The letter was referred to the Circuit and District Courts Committee. Obituary. MR. PHILIP O'DOHERTY, Solicitor, died upon the 6th February, 1926, at London– derry. Mr. O'Doherty served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Patrick Maxwell, London– derry ; was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1895, and practised at Londonderry.

February 4th. Twenty-one Members present. Circuit Court Appeals.

A memorandum prepared by a member of the Council, dealing with the hearing of Circuit Court Appeals and questions relating to Circuit and District Court practices, was referred to a Committee for consideration. Certificates. Six applications under Section 47 for renewal of Certificates were considered, and an order made in each case. Land Registry Rules. Draft Land Registry Rules, 1926, dealing with Exchanges of Holdings, and Registra– tion with possessory or qualified title, were considered.

February 25th. Eighteen Members present.

Damage to Property (Compensation) Act. A letter was read from a firm of Solicitors asking the Council to communicate with the Minister of Finance in protest against his action where the firm acting for a client in more than one claim under Section 15, where the Declarations were all made on the one day, and the cases all heard on the one

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