2022-2023 Senior Housing Options
My Choice Wisconsin provides government-funded programs to frail seniors, adults with disabilities, individuals, and families. We care for the whole person and well-being of all by o ering services that promote independence, value diversity, and inspire self-advocacy.
800-963-0035 TTY: 711 www.mychoicewi.org/sr
DHS Approved 10/15/2020
For information on long term care options, call your local Aging and Disability Resource Center.
Senior Resources, Inc. specializes in providing comprehensive information on service providers for older adults in the state of Wisconsin.
If you are a consumer or would like to reach a consumer, we have many options available via our catalogs and the world wide web.
Online: www.seniorresourcesonline.com • Email: info@seniorresourcesonline.com Mail: P.O. Box 285, Germantown, WI 53022 • Tel: 262-253-0901 • Fax: 262-253-0903
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For information on Senior Services in Wisconsin, visit our website www.seniorresourcesonline.com
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