Onyx Fall-Winter 2018

2018-2019 Alumni Association Board of Directors Margaret “ Peggy ” Kelly Deputy ’ 64 Indianapolis, Ind. • kdeputy@aol.com

President: Jan Giddens Lorenzano ’ 84 Fishers, Ind. • jan.lorenzano@bright-ideas.org Vice-President: Brandi Collins Adams ’ 06 Highland, Ind. • bjcollins2006@gmail.com Secretary: Margaret “ Peggy ” McCormick Platz ’ 88 Montgomery, Ohio • theplatzfamily@gmail.com Haylie M. Davenport Beaumont ’ 16 Indianapolis, Ind. • hmdavenport@aol.com Devin Blankenship ’17G Bloomington, Ind. • IndianaDevin@gmail.com

Lindsey Richardt ’ 07 Indianapolis, Ind. • linmrichardt@gmail.com Dawnelle Sullivan ’ 16 Terre Haute, Ind. • csull10114@aol.com Catherine Schueth Thomas ’ 88 Fishers, Ind. • Catherine.ama.thomas@gmail.com Sirrea Hayes Whittaker ’ 07, ’ 10G Indianapolis, Ind. • goldonyx10@yahoo.com Amy Sonderman Woods ’ 90 Coggon, Iowa • amy@misfitstravel.com Beth Allard Yoder ’ 15 Terre Haute, Ind. • beth.yoder@smwc.edu

Chera Finkbiner ’ 12, ’ 14G Indianapolis, Ind. • cfinkbiner@me.com

Veronica “Roni” O’Connor Kindley ’88 Indianapolis, Ind. • oconnorkindley@gmail.com Kathann Koehler ’ 71 Loveland, Ohio • kathannkoehler@zoomtown.com Deborah “ Debbie ” Lary ’ 79 Westville, Ill. • DLary@danvilledialysis.com Beth Herzog Michel ’ 94, ’ 09G Huntington, Ind. • bethmichel94@gmail.com

Ann Bumb ’ 12G Indianapolis, Ind. • abumb@smwc.edu Luahna Winningham Carter ’ 89 Cincinnati, Ohio • jwswife@gmail.com Caroline Schlemmer Day ’ 07 Warsaw, Ind. • cnschlemmer@gmail.com

Lynn Morales ’01 Terre Haute, Ind. • shatzi54@gmail.com Kymberli Huet Payonk ’ 86 Terre Haute, Ind. • k.payonk@ma.rr.com

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