NPA July-Sep2021

MEDICAL Sports Medicine

Foundations of Athletic Training Prevention, Assessment, and Management 7th Edition By Marcia K. Anderson and Mary G. Barnum DESCRIPTION Comprehensive and evidence-based, Foundations of Athletic Training , 7th Edition, integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to help readers develop a strong foundation in athletic training best practices. The text’s practi- cal, problem-solving approach to the prevention, recognition, assessment, management, and disposition of sports-related injuries and diseases helps students learn to think like practitio- ners. Fully aligned with the BOC competencies, the 7th Edition

has been extensively updated, expanded, and reorganized to reflect the changing role of today’s athletic trainer and includes a powerful suite of engaging learning tools to help students succeed. FEATURES ▶ New chapters on Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Advocacy Professionalism, and Patient-Centered Care and extensively revised content throughout reflects the latest practices and helps you meet the challenges of today’s healthcare environment. ▶ Application strategies offer step-by-step instructions on how to perform skills, conduct assessments, and teach injury prevention exercises. ▶ EMS alerts highlight emergency situations requiring immediate medical attention. ▶ Critical thinking scenarios and questions teach you to critically analyze information and apply decision-making knowledge and skills to problems presented. ▶ Full-color images and anatomical illustrations help you confidently locate key muscles, nerves, and blood vessels and recognize sports-related injuries and medical conditions. ▶ Application questions challenge you to apply what you’ve learned.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑6137‑8 / ($144.99 / £107.00 / €126.00 / AU$228.00) World Approx 1,100 pp / Approx 107 Tables / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / August 2021

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in July 2016 (ISBN: 978-1-4963-3087-1)


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