NPA July-Sep2021

MEDICAL Surgery/General

Mulholland and Greenfield’s Surgery Scientific Principles and Practice 7th Edition By Justin B. Dimick, Gilbert R. Upchurch, Jr, Hasan B. Alam, Timothy M. Pawlik, Mary T. Hawn, and Julie Anna Sosa DESCRIPTION

Newly streamlined and focused on quick-access, easy-to- digest content, Mulholland and Greenfield’s Surgery: Scien - tific Principles and Practice , 7th Edition, remains an invalu- able resource for today’s residents and practicing surgeons. This gold standard text balances scientific advances with clini - cal practice, reflecting rapid changes, new technologies, and innovative techniques in today’s surgical care. New lead editor Dr. Justin Dimick and a team of expert editors and contributing authors bring a fresh perspective and vision to this classic reference. FEATURES ▶ Presents the science that underpins the practice of surgery alongside practical clinical content. ▶ Features newly streamlined and condensed information with a clear, concise focus, as well as additional tables, procedural summaries of key steps, and pearls and pitfalls throughout. ▶ Covers general scientific principles such as inflammation, shock, nutrition, pain management, and much more, followed by surgical practice chapters arranged by organ system. ▶ Contains 2,100 full-color illustrations, anatomic drawings, and intraoperative photographs that visually support the text and make complex concepts easier to grasp. ▶ Chapters begin with Key Points and decision-making algorithms are listed in the front of the book for quick reference. ▶ eBook version features over 40 “Morbidity and Mortality” case discussions and an Interactive Question Bank with nearly 900 questions.

ISBN: 978‑1‑9751‑4316‑9 / ($199.99 / £150.00 / €171.00 / AU$314.00) World Approx 1,988 pp / Approx 576 Tables / 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 / August 2021

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in May 2016 (ISBN: 978-1-4698-9001-2)


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