PaceSetter Book

Speed Activities 6



Activity : Each runner runs one lap before passing the baton onto the next member who must be ready. The chase continues until someone catches the team in front and ‘Tags’ them with the baton. The whistle blows - all running stops and a point is awarded to the team making the ‘Tag’. The two teams involved in the ‘Tag’ change places and the chase starts again. WEB COPY ©EVEQUE For example, if team ‘A’ catches team ‘B’ the whistle blows, all stop and team ‘A’ are awarded one point. Then ‘A’ and ‘B’ change places so that ‘A’ is chasing ‘C’, ‘C’ is chasing ‘D’ and ‘D’ is chasing ‘B’. When appropriate, the ‘referee’ can change the running direction from ‘anti-clockwise’ to ‘clockwise’ or have the scoring team change mats with the team it caught. The teams do not necessarily require the same number so no young athlete is left out.

Please note that the diameters of these tracks may be reduced for indoor use and will be dependent on the size of the facility. It is a very important to ensure the track allows the young athletes to run safely without colliding with walls or pieces of equipment. Therefore the track should be marked out with these safety considerations in mind.


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