PaceSetter Book

Warm-Up & Cool-Down Activities 3

WEB COPY ©EVEQUE Arm Stretch Standing with feet approximately shoulder width apart, the arms should be as straight as possible and broughtto a position behind the back. Interlock the fingers of both hands and then slowly raise the wrists as far as possible as you exhale. Breath in a relaxed manner and hold the stretch for 10 seconds before releasing the fingers and repeating.

Upper Body Stretch Standing with feet approximately

shoulder width apart, raise the arms to shoulder level and grasp hands together. As you exhale, twist slowly from the waist to the right side to a point where the body can go no further, ensuring the hips and knees remain facing straight forward. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds and then slowly return to starting

WEB COPY ©EVEQUE position. Repeat the exercise by slowly twisting from the waist to the left side. Side Bend Stretch Stand with knees slightly bent, feet approximately shoulder width apart and arms in a relaxed position at the side of the body. Gently bend at the waist to the right side with arms remaining

relaxed, ensuring that there is no bend forwards or backwards of the upper body. As the body reaches the point where it can go no further, keep the eyes focussing straight forward and hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the left side.


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