PaceSetter Book

Throwing Activities 4

WEB COPY ©EVEQUE The first step that should be taught is the release of the discus using an under-arm bowl. The young athlete in the manner described in 4.4.2 holds a primary discus and should practise under-arm bowling so that the discus has forward spin from the index finger when it is projected if it is released correctly. A white dot can be painted onto the discus and when performing the practices the forward spin can be checked by the clockwise rotation of the dot. Organising the young athletes into groups of four and arranging them in a square will allow practice by rolling the discus to each other. Encourage the young athletes to keep their body low and take a small stride forwards, when rolling the discus to each other, which will allow a smooth arm swing that culminates in a full arm extension into the release position. The young athletes should attempt to roll the discus along the ground so it travels as straight as possible. This under-arm bowling should be practised until the young athlete has obtained a reasonable amount of forward spin. This can be developed by trying the same exercise but raising the arm action little by little until the primary discus can be thrown so that it travels smoothly without wobbling. The discus is a very difficult throw as it is hard to judge when to release it and, if the implement leaves the hand wobbly, it will lose glide and therefore not travel as far. WEB COPY ©EVEQUE 4.4.3 Under-Arm Bowl With a Discus


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