School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979




This multi-disc iplinary course on death and dying explores the social, cultural and psychological as– pects of working with the dying person and his or her family. Barriers preventing effective care of dying patients are examined. FACULTY: Mrs. June S. Lowenberg, R.N., M.N. Assistant professor of nursing, USD SCHEDULE: Monday thru Thursday, January 5-23, 1978 5:30 p.m. to 830 p.m. LOCATION: 117 Founders Hall, USD CREDIT: 3 Continuing Education Units 30 Contact Hours TUITION: $120

This course will assist Registered Nurses In the use of systematic decision making processes to plan indi– vidual and holistic care. Planned care through the use of nursing care plans and the problem-oriented nursing record will be discussed. FACULTY: Delilah Breen, R.N., M.S.N. Assistant Professor of Nursing, USD. Mary Wiley, RN., M.S.N. Assistant Professor of Nursing USD Janet Harrison, R N, M.S N. Assistant Professor of Nursing, USD SCHEDULE: Saturday, February 4, 11, and 25 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m LOCATION: 117 Camino Hall, USD CREDIT: 1 Continuing Education Unit 1 o Contact Hours TUITION: $35

Assertiveness tra1n,ng and stress reduction are the topics of this one day seminar During the morning session, sources of stress and skills useful In s ress re– duction will be identifiea. The afternoon session wi!I focus on techniques for changing nonassertIve and aggressive behaviors into assertive behavior Par– ticipants should bring a bag lunch: coffee w1il be Barbara Burke, M.Ed. Diane Glogowski, E Ed Co-directors Career Counseling and Placement Center, USD SCHEDULE: provided. FACULTY:

March 11, 1978 9a.m to4p.m

LOCATION: 151 Founders Hall, USD CREDIT: 0.6 Continuing Education Unit 6 Contact Hours TUITION: $20

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