School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979

-SOUTHERN CROSS, January 18, 1979

New nursing facility is dedicated at USO

Palmer said. "Although the president has indicated on many occasions _he wishes to assist in making heal~h professionals available in underserved areas, now he seems to be saying, 'Heal

southern Cross Reporter SAN DIEGO-!~e Muriel Marsh Hahn Pav1l1on, t1ous- i ng the Philip ~ - Hahn School of Nursing, was formally dedicated at the University of ?an Otego last Thursday amidst an en~hu– siastic plea that Ar,:iencan . nurses be given their right– ful ·role in the health care field. Dr Irene S Palmer, dean of th·e USO nursing school, which offers advanc_ed de– gree programs to registered nurses, said "throughout history nurses ~ave_made enormous contributions to the improvement of. the health of the American people." BUT, SHE SAID. their efforts "have been unher– arlded and taken for gra_nt– ed. They hav_e been den~ed an active voice ,n shaping health policy." "The nurse today knows she is vital to the successful implementation of any plan or proposal for t~e health care of the American peo– ple, and also knows she h~s a righful place at all_ levels in the decision-making pro– cess regarding health ca~e for our society, and_she;:v11t not be denied that right. To achieve that right, Or. Palmer said, public aware– ness and suppo~ ts es– sential if the nursing ,prac– tice is to be removed tror:i the vested interestsofmedt· cal and hospital controls." THE NURSE "can reduce' the astronomical costs ~f health and sickness care tf society will insistthatshebe properly and maximal!~ utilized a full partner and colleague in the pro– vision of health care," the nursing dean said. She criticized ·President Carter for vetoing Senate 2 416, the Nurse Training Act Amendments on Nov. 11,1978. . "The veto was filled with irony and paradoxJ" Dr.

th DEDICATION SPEAKERS-With the newly dedicated professionals, yes! Nurses, Muriel Marsh Hahn Pavilion, housing the Philip Y. Hahn no!' . the School of Nursing, in the background, these dedication "The ma1or thruS t of t speakers discuss the event, last Thursday on the bill was to prepare nurses ~ University of San Diego campus. From left, are Muriel practice ,n underserve

Marsh Hahn, donor; Dr. Author E. Hughes, USO president; Dr. Irene S. Palmer, nursing school dean; and Bishop Leo T. Maher, chairman of the USO Board of Trustees. Congressman Bob Wilson (R-San Diego), not pictured, gave the dedication address.-SC photo

areas and to increase ~he number of nurses with advanced preparation," she said. DR. AUTHOR HUGHES, USO president, pres~nted the new building to Bishop Leo T. Maher, chairman of the USO Board ofTrustees. · Bishop Maher led agroup of about 100 people,seated in chairs set up on the street in front of the building, in a prayer of dedication and then blessed the structure with holy water. Congressman BobWil~on (R-San Diego), in a dedica– tion-address, said the Hahn School of Nursing is "one of the most successful" schools of its type on the West Coast, if not in the nation. · WITH the expanding pop– ulation, Rep. Wilson said, th.ere is aneed for increased health care personnel," the largest group of which is nurses. There is a lack of nurses with advanced de– grees, he added. "It is important that Con– gress does its part and supports educational pro– grams for nurses.'' Among the featured par– ticipants was Muriel Marsh Hahn, for whom the pavilion is named. She donated the matching funds for a grant by the Department of Health, Education and Wel– fare. The School of Nursing was established in 1974 by a $1 million gift by Mrs. Hahn's late husband, Philip Y. Hahn.

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