School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979


The university as an academic community and social entity has the responsibility to carry forward the search for universal truth and has the accompanying corrrnitment to recognize those who have through their efforts made significant contributions toward the dissemination of such truth. Imbued with the courage of her convictions, convinced that research-derived knowledge is the basis of nursing science and practice, corrrnitted to belief in the beauty and value of the human person; and with her vision firmly fixed on a future to be designed, Martha Rogers has set nursing on a course of creative active confrontation with itself and the society in which it exists, thus changing nursing practice throughout the nation. Esteemed as one of nursing's most outstanding educators, Martha Rogers is a visionary intellectual who has promoted and provoked ideological debate with the purpose of explaining and clarifying the structure of nursing science; the responsibilities of the profession; and the reformation of nursing's educational system. The effect of her role as mentor and teacher is felt throughout the world. As a philosopher Martha Rogers promulgated, explained and defended the profession's rights and responsibilities. Her unyielding and ever-present demands that the profession recognize and assume its obligations have awakened the conscience of the corporate profession and its members to assume and fulfill their obi igations. As nursing's foremost theoretician Martha Rogers has formulated and explicated the theoretical system of nursing science which has clarified and restructured the knowledge base of nursing practice. An outstanding and persistent scholar, she is the profession's prime advocate in corrrnitment to scholarly work, intellectually vigorous education and scientific research into the nature of nursing knowledge. Her papers and writings have enabled nurses throughout the world to develop a greater appreciation of the contributions of university education to the improved care of human beings and the development of nursing as a learned profession. Thousands have been inspired by her leadership to move the profession from the confusion of the mid-century into the space and intergalactic age. When considering the cumulative accomplishments of Martha Rogers, advisor to national leaders, university presidents, colleague deans and professional faculties;

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