School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979


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EVENING TRIBUNE NOV~~ 1979 Shortage ,. of nur~es reported

OE CO4 1979



, Wed., Nov. 21, 1979-Plrt II 3 USD Nursing School Awarded ·- · Grant for Psychiatric Study .: The Univ~rsity of San Diego school of nursing has been . awarded a five-year, $1 million grant by the National lnsti-- · tute of Mental Health to establish a graduate program iii -, · · advance psychiatric nursing. · • , • Assistant Prof.- Janet Blenner, project director for t®,– grants, said 8 to. 12.openings will become available wh~~: the program begins m February. . ._ , , . "The primary objective is to prepare the graduates iii· practice settings that deal with the chronically mentally IB:, patient," she said. "This program will focus on long-term, preventive outpatient therapy." •' .. ,.: :


By TRIBUIIE Education Wnlef

D' go county suffers San ie vere shortage of from a se . d in the care nurses traine n ill \ of chronically menta y _pa~~f;s. deficiency in th; · , health care se • C?~~t~~s disclosed at_the \ ;• ' .v1 . f sa:n Diego, , ~ Universu1tsyD ~fficials yester- .where · ·ng a • da announced rece1Vl . y ·11· n grant to tram $1 m1 10 ychi .registered_ nurses in ps - atric nursing. d nurses , "We badly .nee choth– -who can provide psy t· nts for such pa ie _erapy turned loose .. , -when they are unity folloW· into the comm ' " an- .. . g hospital care, \ rn ed Janet Blenner' _nou~c t director of the -proJeC grant. short- . "There has been I . term care given up to n~wd~ ·u try to prOVl -but we wi a re- . long-term theraPt, as_ . sult of this grant. to She said the progra~. al



. be funded by a Nat1o~th Institute for M~ntal ;eFeb- \ grant,;: ::~d:ission of 1 ruary . E h year -_ eight students_. ac . ed i -eight more will be _tram over aet~~?'~:1"a1:: 1 ~·, , -• · ,.,.o a - -- -

~ .19~j .of s~~ University tbat it's tbe ,rbe ced yesterday $l million ~:~nt o\;e' ~:~i!::i~~t:e; gr ant trotn Tbe tunds ee ta\ Uea\tn. asters degr Men ulate a new tn . nursing. 'to tortn . psychiatric duate gr am \t\ t sucb gra . pro . urrent\y no ·versitY in 'f\lere \S c ailab\e at an-Y uni f es Tbe progratn av unperia\ eou~ l S. ring, San Diego ~f;- nro\led in P ·n cl s will be e 1<> rsons W1 first as --,mutn oi = pe al\y n0n A m~- arn annu · 1~· ed in tbe progr be al\oW • - •

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