School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979



DR. DENNIS MURPHY, optometrist •• 443~7220 Lakeside Optometric Building

RSES: 1. Junior-Senior High School Buckman Springs Road Florence Quart, RN..•... 473-8601 2. Elementary Schools in Jacumba, Campo. Clover Flats, Mt. Laguna , Pine Valley, Poterro, and Descanso--Nancy Garcia, R.N. Leave messages for her in Descanco. . . . . • . • . . . 44 5-2126 The following is a list of the services provided by the school nurses: Health teaching, nutrition, dental programs, drug and medicine safety, poison information, screenings for vision and hearing, immunizations, first aid, and various other programs as the need arises. The school nurses also co-ordinate with, and refer to the Public Health Department. LANGUAGE, SPEECH, AND HEARING SPECIALIST: Jack Parrish, therapist, works for the Mt. Empire School District in a mobile unit. He can be reached through the school district or at the local schools on the following days: Monday --Pine Valley/Mt. Laguna Elementary Schools: 8:30- 3 : 30 Tuesday --Clover Flats •... 8:30-11 : 00 Jacumba. . . 11:30- 3 :0 0 Wednesday-Mt. Empire High School....... 7:45- 3 : 15 Thursday--Descanco Elementary.8:30-3: 30 Friday --Campo Elementary .. 8:30- 3 :00 The general goal of this program is to help individuals with language, speech , and hearing disorders to communicate more effectively. Mr. Parrish does screen ing , and works with individual cases.

8865 Winter Gardens Blvd. Lakeside, California 92040 OFFICE HOURS: Monday:

(only to pick up glasses or to schedule appointments by telephone) 8:30 AM-5:00 PM. 8:30 AM-8:00 PM


Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM-12:00 PM

Dr. Murphy will make home visits in the Mt. Empire area to handicapped and home– bound clients. He will also go out for groups, and do vision testing. He prefers to have at least ten clients in an area. To schedule out-of-office visits contact Agnes Brinkmann in his office (443-7220). Repair can be done by mail. Fee for service: Medical, Medicare. PHARMACY SERVICES: John Jennings, Pharmacist Campo Rexall Pharmacy .•..• 478-5357 31476 Highway 94 (at Cameron Corners) (Presently, pharmacist on duty here on Wednesdays from 1:00 PM-5:00 PM) Alpine Rexall Pharmacy ••.• 445-2616

2109 Alpine Blvd. Alpine, California



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