School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979
TJflltPIU91 Fl,;CILfrf Ii ~ MEA
'------~-~-----~~-~~-----=--~ New Nursing School At US_D Is Accredited TJ1t _...ty ot San formed to meet a specific demand was -st:i1l there, Dr. curriculum; faculty, factll- ditional ones were notified_ of ~ ne.iy tanned nurs- need in this community. Palmer explained. ties, student qualifications accreditation alo~g with - ieboo} lla8 been accredft- The need was pointed out Tl)1s school, where the av- and requirements, organiza- USD, Dr. Palmer sa1d. ed by the National League in a comprehensive study by erage nursing student is 32 tion and administration. She added tha~ ~tional for __., making Jt tbe the Coordinated Council for and works 20 to 30 hours a Dr. Palmer said that only accreditation, which JS vol– CblnS baccalaureate degree Health Sciences Education week at a regular nursing 40 other nursing schools in untary ~ shows ~at thel P1:0" mnlJII progtam accred1ted three Ye&ll ago. Hughes said Job, in preparing the nation take exclusively gram 1s recogruzed for its 111 ttdl area. when USD asked the council nurses to deal with patients registered nurses like USD. quality and the public can be Tile announcement was where it m1gbt provide a from all backgrounds - And of those, only four oth- assured of the caliber of tJ:le made yesterday by USD needed service locally, the American Indian, Mexican- ers are accredited unless ad- ~adu_a~· -----~ ~ Autbor E. Hughes council suggested nursing American, ori~ntal and Dr. ~ PaJmer, USD education. black. ~ scbooJ dean Who for- "There were few opportu- Graduates wi 11 be
merly headed Boston nities for .nurses in the San equipped to provide primary Untversity•s graduate nurs- Diego area to go beyond two health care services - for mg edUcaticm program. years of college education," instance, care and manage- ROLE OUTLINED Hughes PQinted out. · ment of an Indian reserva- The USD nursing pro- "There seemed • to be a tion clinic - to people of aram» open only to those great deficiency of pro- different cultures, USO offi– Wbe are already registered grams (in the San Diego ctals said. nurses and want higher area) which would permit COMPONENTS JUDGED degn9ea, bas been operating nurses to come back to Dr. Palmer said a team since January, 1975, and cur- school and complete the two from the National League rently bas 78 students. years needed for their bach- for Nursing had visited USO OD May 23, its first gradu- elor of science 1n nursing,'' for evaluation 1n February. atlng class of 13 students will Hughes said. Since then, full accreditation be awarded bachelor of sci- PROBLEMS CITED has been awarded for the ence degrees 1n nursing. The other two schools of- maximum period of eight Point Loma College and San fering this have had to shut years before the next NLN Diego State University are their doors to applicants visit. otbe only other schools offer- after quotas and spaces have Among components 1Dg a slm1la:r "higher educa- been filled, even though the judged by the team were the tion" program, Dr. Palmer said
C arilying RN program Editor: The recent article on the problems of the nursing program at San Diego State University refers to ~he competition offered by the nurs– mg program at University of San
The school, which 1s called the Phllip Y. Hahn School of Nursing Jn memory of the late Phqip Hahn who left an endowment of SI mllllon for creation of the ~hool, was
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~ f j To offset the possibility of errone- ous interpretation and to state the facts, the BS program for RN's at University of San Diego was initiat– ed upon the recommendation of an Advisory Committee of the Coordi- .. nating Council of Education for the Health Sciences. The Advisory Committee was com_posed of nurses and other pro– fess1on_als representative of public and pnvate colleges and universities in San.Diego County. The Coordinat– ing Council expressed its strong sup– port for the program which it viewed as essential to the full utilization of I the Associate Degree and Diploma nurse. It is unfortunate that the internal difficulties of one institution are cou- pied with the unrelated initiation o~ a sorely needed program in a SJster institution. -IRENE S. PALMER, RN, Ph.D Dean and Professor > 1
Ha~n S~hool of Nursing UmverSJty of San Diego
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