School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979
The University of San Diego Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program for R.N.s only Purpose and Overview i\j SD The program of the Hahn School of Nursing is planned specifically for the Registered Nurse who desi res to obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. The school offers a baccalaureate program in nursing w it h an upper division profes– sional major for registered nurses from hospital diploma and associate degree programs. The program is designed to prepare the nurse to accept increased responsibility and to function in an independent and interdepend ent capacity in the health care setting. The purpose of the nursing major is to prepare a generally educated person who will be prepared to assume a nursing leadership role in meeting the health care needs of society. A graduate of the program will be equipped for beginning practice in family health nursing, will have a foundation for graduate education in nursing and be eligible for certification as a public health nurse.
Typical Program of Studies Prerequisites Completed Prior to Junior Year
Junior Year
(5) (3) (3) (3)
NU 130 - Nursing Science 1 • NU 131 - Pathophysiology
NU 140 - Nursing Science II
*NU 141 - Historical Developments of
• NU 151 - Spanish for Health Professional
Professional Nursing
(1) (3)
• Religious Studies Course
• NU 152 - Spanish for Health Professional • Philosophy course
(3) (3)
• Elective
Senior Year
(8) (3) (3)
NU 145 - Nursing Science 111 NU 146 - Research Process
NU 147 - Practicum in Clinical
(3) (3) (1) (3) (6)
• Religious Studies Course
NU 148 - Administrative Management NU 149-Contemporary Nursing Issues
• Philosophy course • Elective courses
16 • Asterisked courses may be completed prior to the courses NU 130, 140, 145, 146,147, 148, 149, which must be taken in the sequence as shown. Prerequisites and University General Education Requirements may be met by transfer of credit or challenge examinations. The School of Nursing is approved by the Board of Registered Nursing as a provider for Continuing Education units. BRN Provider No. 00488. Nursing Courses earn Continuing Education Units for relicensure. Courses in the Professional Major
NU 130 Nursing Science 1 (5) Focus on utilization of Nursing Process as a cognitive framework for assessment of behaviors of holistic man. Emphasis on interpersonal communication skills. Clinical application of theories in a variety of health settings. NU 131 Pathophysiology (3) Study of selected principles of physiology, with focus on alterations due to the disease. Theoretical application to nursing practice. (6) Development of physical assessment skills. Application of these skill~ to Nursing Process. Clinical practicum in variety of health settings. Prerequisite: Pathophysiology and Nursing Science I. NU 140 Nursing Science II
NU 141 Historical Developments of Professional Nursing (1) Study of major influences affecting the growth of professional nursing in the United States.
""''"""'"l'l'!"!'!"l'lT NU 145 Nursing Science 111
Focus on family dynamics, family nursing, and the influence of culture on health. Clinical practicum in the community. Pre– requisite: Nursing Science I, II and Pathophysiology.
NU 146 Research Process (3) Introductory course in research design and methods. Focus on informed critique and application of nursing research.
NU 147 Practicum in Clinical Investigation (3) Focus on selected clinical studies. Application in appropriate community settings. NU 148 Administrative - Management (3) Introduction to theories of administration and management. Applicatio n to nursing practice.
NU 149 Contemporary Nursing Issues (1) Focus on critical trends and issues in American nursing today.
NU 151-152 Spanish for Health Professionals (3 . 3) A course designed to enable the health professional to communicate in Spanish. It includes the essentials of Spanish pronun– ciation, grammar, vocabulary and the expressions needed to understand and to make oneself understood by the Spanish– speaking client in interviews, diagnosis and professional conversations.
The University of San Diego Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing
D I am interested in learning more about the Post R. N. Baccalaureate Program. D Please send me an application blank for admission to the University.
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