School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979
Son Diego, Sunday, November 10, 1974
l 'F
Fashions Will Raise Funds
Loans Assist Nurses (Continued from D-1)
She received her RN diploma in 1946 from the Missouri Baptist Hos– pital School of Nursing in St. Louis and, through the years, worked as a practicing nurse except when she took time off to have her children. " I waited 28 years until I was able to start my degree. I waited until my children were in college," said Mrs. Jensen. The loan was necessary, she ex– plained, because "it took -both our salaries just to keep us going be– cause we still have dependent chil– dren and, until recently, an elderly relative to support." Her return to school meant a re– duction in her work hours and sala– ry , she adced . "I wan~ ct to apply for any kind of loan that I could repay some day. T had never done this in my life. I think most nurses are this way - they're independent and it is difficult for us to ask for help," added Mrs. Jensen. For this reason, she said, the new program has been ideal for her. Mrs . Jensen was allowed to change from a 40-hour to a 24-hour a week job so she could carry 13 college units this semester. She 15 hours each week in the classroom plus countless hours of spend , he is grateful, she added, for the cooperation she has received both from the civilian personnel at the Na al Regional Medical Center and from the chief of service, Capt. B. F. ;\{rs. Jensen hopes to remain in the field of allergies, but to upgrade The program appealed to Mrs. .Mayfield because it allowed her to continue working full time and still attend college on a part-time basis. " I had always wanted to further my education," said :'\trs. Mayfield, who was married at 16 while still in studying, she said. Hinton. her job level.
Area chairmen of the countywide auxiliary, organized in 1957, include ~1mes. Robert C. Howard. La Mesa · A. J . C. Forsyth, Coronado ; AM~ Schrepferman, La Jolla. and John 1. Hogan. Del Mar and Rancho anta Fe. Reservation for the Nov. 15 luncheon-fa hion how are being accepted by :Mrs. Joseph E . Bennett and . Jrs. Leo J . Durkin. _The post Ri, program . 1r . May– field and :\lrs. Jensen are enrolled in provide an avenue that allow them to move up the ladder in the nursing profe sion. accord ing to ~Iiss Franc Geddo. RK a si tant pro– Ce: r of nur ing m the nur ing $Choo!. It · a two-year program open to registered nur e who are graduates of a diploma chool program or an associate degree program. " Its purpo i to prepare the RN for a baccalaureate degree in nurs– ing,'' said ML ' Geddo ·•Jt gh·es her th foundation to pur ue graduate education in nur- ing or to assume certain leader hip po.-ition in nur - mg uch as head nurse. public health nu ing. or in- r\'ice education to help ta.ff nur · with continuing E>ducat1on." L o· program ha '.?-t full-time and -t par -time stud nt: thi e– til t r , including one man, she aid. In addition to cla room ;tudies. th program lhl.: . pring will include clinic-al traimng at variou health fcl ihti · in an Diego. ' ' Mam· tudent · ar married im \\'ith famili and now that th ir children ar grown, th y haw th llm to o ba k and continue th lr ucation,'' added .:\1i. · Geddo. 0th r·, .::h add~. are nur:e who ha, had a great d !al of 1 xperi nee " but who want to upgrad their . ·111 ... 1rs J n fall.<; into both catego-
- Stoff Photo by Joe Flynn Mrs. Edna Jensen, RN., checks scratch test vials in the allergy department at the Naval Regional Medical Center. She is receiving advanced training at the University of San Diego's Philip Y Hahn School of Nursing and Allied Healrh Science. high school. "I was offered a schol- arship but I got married instead," She began her nursing career as a nurses aide when she received her diploma in 1963 from Sweetwater I Adult School. She returned there in for her licensed vocational 1965 Southwestern College in 1969 where she received her RN diploma. She survives her hectic schedule with the help of a strict schedule, she added. She wants to specialize in medical surgical nursing, with hopes Where does she get her drive? "You first have to be motivated and then very deterrruned,·• she said. she added. nurses diploma. Mrs. Mayfield then entered of teaching.
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