School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979

Mardi U, lffl profiled are ..really helpful." Like all the other tudents in the Baccalaureate unmg


USD student nurse

those times her family comes through and helps h r out. She feels very grateful to her mother for all the help she's given in helping in her Nursing About her life Odom says, "If I had it to do all over again rd get my schooling out of the way before I tried to raise a family. But, I have no regrets about my life as I feel I'm more mature and I've learned a lot Odom started attending USO in 1975 taking one class at night. At the time USO was the only school in the San Diego area offering a Bacca- laureate program in Nursing. Other schools in the area now offer similar programs. But, despite the cost of USD_'s education she says she wall probably finish her education She thinks the Nursing program at USD, although new is basically a good one that is improving every year. career. this way." here.

by David K. Rankin

What's it like to be a mother

he i

alre dy a

program, Registered

d 11, to

of two boys ages 8

une. Odom


work full time and go to school full time? Ask Barbara Odom, student at USD's Philip Hahn School of Nursing and a Odom works about 25 hours a week as a registered nurse at the VA Hos Pit a I, w hi I e attending classes. On her off days she can be found at 8 football field, baseball, or soccer field watching her sons How can she keep up the hectic pace? She says that she couldn't do it if it weren't for a lot around the house and the youngest one will often wake me up in the morning so I get she'll tell you in one word: "busy." play. her children. "They help out

she is going back to chool to better improve her chances of advancement. he only bold, a


two year degree in

from Southwe tern Collep in

Chula Vista.

Odom explained that •in the v A system a two year anduatc can only ao o hiah. and rm at She has been workina in the v A system incc 1972 and in a government hospttaL Currently he works m the DeramatololY Ward althoup other section of the ho pital She enjoyed workiq an eYel')' section explaining bemUle I like learnina new tbinp." he especially Ii~ workina with children and the ~y partially reinforced by the death of her Grandmother hen Odom wa 16 ye r old. She says be lilt u because of the opportunity it gives her to do aomethina for people who can't do for tbennelva. She a urw •ff elpiq the tick to and helpiq the bNWlJ nay healthy.• And the •YI dial while it is trqic to ..._,_ die it ii "the pNtelt aoe a patient who you will oner make it Ill up 10 home well after • f, weeks."_______ that level." no complain about ortiq she has worked in aim every because "they you the mo t." m to need Nur ing wa a lifelona dream for her that a

off to work on time."

She says she has been active her entire life so she is used to

-----~-----~--' the hectic pace, but even so she

says there are times when she'd

like to quit everything. A~t.______ __.A~ nd~ s=h==e--=sa::,,y:...:s-=-he.....:.r_ in_s_tru_ ct_o~rs__ 7

Hur# Barbtlrt, Odom O nutknt in IM 111twnlty'8MW ""'7ilt6 pro,nmt, 18 ~ tM Nuno who fm! ~- and_~ 1-::-:,,.:11::a ~ 0 J:::. fe(low School of Nunln6- 11w# dfflcateu womm man.

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