School of Nursing Scrapbook 1979

San Diego, Sunday, Sept. 11, 1977


Is . Gold-Plated Event

USD Ground Breaking

It was Back to School with pomp, cJrcwnstance and a gold-plated shovel the other afternoon at the University qt San Diego. Pfflddent Author Hughes anct wife, Marge, sig– naled tbe start of the fall semester with (1) the ded1· caUon of the site of the new Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing and (Z) an al fresco reception honoring new fac– ulty and staff.


Art Hughes shared the ground-breaking ceremony with Muriel Hahn, widow of provost Sister Sally Furay, lized occasion - the men in industrialist Phillp Hahn. Rev. Laurence Dolan, the their jackets and ties, the And they didn't wield just nursing school's Dean Irene women in their tailored clas– any old public relations Palmer, and Bishop Leo sics. (No little white gloves, man's shovel; they em- Maher, chairman of the but you wouldn't have been ployed the gold-plated imple- board of trustees. surprised.) ment which had been pre- The two-story, 18,000- Passing by, bemused uni- sented to Phillp Hahn in 1968 square-foot building should versity students in the uni– wben he broke ground for his be finished by the middle of versal uniform - shorts, T– new Crosman Anns Co. fac- next year. Architect Hal shirts, Adidas; give or take tory 1n East Bloomfield, Sadler, of Tucker, Sadler & a garment - eyed the gath– N.Y. (That's the Daisy Air Associates, was there for the ering from the infinite dis- Rifle, tor one thing.) celebration, along with other tance of their youth.

The ceremonies, while longtime USD boosters like impressive, were not pon- Gene Trepte, Helen Anne derous. Credit for that goes Bunn, Peter Hughes, et al. · to all who had a hand in the Afterwards, everybody program: retired Rear Adm. trooped across the street to Herbert Stoecklein, a mem- the shady patio of Founders' ber of the ow-sing school Hall for wine and hors advisory board who was d'oeuvres. master of ceremonies, USD It was a relaxed and civi-

Helping mark.the start ~f [!SD's fall seme~ter at the new nursing school dedication and reception . were, dockwise from top left, Hal Sadler, retired_Rear Adm. Herbert Stoecklein, Muriel Hahn and Dons Durrell.

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