Manager's Toolkit Oct 2017 Final Version



At this stage, you have invested the time and effort to ensure you’ve made the right choice, and have found your newest team member. Your next moves are critical to their success and integration into the team and the organisation .

How was your first day/week in the company? What did you enjoy? What didn’t you like? What would you change? Use this knowledge to build a great Induction plan. Inducting new team members takes time and though t – if you want to do it properly. Try not to overwhelm them with too much too soon . Focus on the key things they need to know in the first few weeks.

An Induction programme can dramatically improve the performance , fit , and readiness of every person who takes on a new role in our organisation.

First impressions count . It’s a concept that we’re all familiar with. Ensuring a premium Induction experience for your new employee will create an impactful, positive and lasting first impression . Research tells us that the first 3 months of employment are critical for the employees perception of the business, and in deciding if this is a business they want to stay with.

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