Manager's Toolkit Oct 2017 Final Version





A Harvard study reveals that employees need only demonstrate 31% of their true capability in order to do the basics. Which means 69% is up for grabs! “But what could prevent employees not reach their full potential?”

The top 4 reasons are;

A good leader taps into a great proportion of that discretionary effort – and it starts with creating clarity (or indeed removing ambiguity) around four items; clarity of purpose, clear objectives, roles and responsibilities and behavioural do’s and don‘ts. Fulfil clarity on these four items and you have gone a long way to inspiring better performance.

a) They don’t know what they’re supposed to do b) They don’t know how to do it c) They don’t know why they should do it d) They think they are already doing it (lack of feedback)

In spite of the mechanics of business – strategies, structures, processes, policies, systems, plans and projects – it is the interactions between people that drive the business machine. After all, projects don’t deliver themselves. All 4 reasons (above) why people don’t do what they need to do can be resolved through one medium – a meaningful interaction with a great conversation.

Want to find out ways give more meaning to your interactions and have a great conversation? Look out for the upcoming development session…...

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