Manager's Toolkit Oct 2017 Final Version


As a manager it is your responsibility to inspire, guide,

However, it is important to remember that a career conversation is just that – a conversation.

and support your employee’s career development.

Having honest, open and realistic career conversations with your team member makes a big difference to their motivation. It helps to develop and realise their potential which, in turn, leads to higher skilled employees and improved business performance. As a manager you may find it difficult to have conversations with your team members for fear of raising expectations, highlighting unconscious development needs, losing your best people or being unable to make or keep promises. It can be difficult, but if you apply the right principles, you can assist your employee to fully understand expectations and what is truly required to undertake the role they are aspiring to.

It does not mean a promise or guarantee to promote an employee or resolve their career issues.

With that in mind – it doesn’t mean you should avoid the conversation - if you don’t discuss it with them it doesn’t mean they won’t discuss their career with someone else!

Failing to show an interest in your team member’s plans can put you at risk of losing them.

A career conversation should provide honest assessment, clarity on next steps and possible time frames. Discussing realistic timeframes up front supports their eagerness to progress – and equally helps you to manage their potential impatience!

Let’s explore more on the following pages ………………..

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