Alcalá 1980
Alcala '80 Staff I would like to penonally thank all those Individuals directly or indirectly involved with the production of Alcala 80. Without you this production never could have been poatble. Special thanks to: RICH WILLRODT, My right arm when it came to just about anything. -,.cillly photography He spent many late nights followed by early mornings burrowed away In lhe dark room, printing and developing. Rich gave up his free lime for many shooting asslgnl'IIIIIII which could not have been done without him Not to mention many times he kept my splrlCa ldcking with good spirits (brews) SUE SHOOK- Who put up with me during the worst of times and did everythh.a Involving production, from typing 3-c's to cropping pictures. JUDY VALADEZ-MARIANNE LYNCH-MARV KRUPPA- whose patience and penlltance sorted through over 600 undercla11 pictures, drew many layouts and cropped many pictures They could be depended on no matter what the task MARTHA CROSBY (we nicknamed her SLAVE) An excellent photographer who did a lot of necessary busy work around the dark room, and put up with a lot of flack in the procese. MICHAEL FOWLKES- Whose endurance never quit and who was always willing to devote his time to just about any necessary job His excellent sports photography enabled us lo reach a level of excellence we are all very proud of. CONSTANCE CAMPBELL, A very hard worker whose talents were well rounded Iran copy writing and production to Ad sales A very reliable worker KAREN DOWE- Who helped write copy and offered her assistance on all aspects of produc– tion CAROL HOLMES-SHANNON MOORE- Who took on the unthinkable joba • advilors S.Uing Ad's, figuring budgets, organizing and assisting in photography and sales man111rnent. were but a few of the jobs they did which were much appreciated ED SHOEN Our Jostens Representative who helped advise and instruct every area of production and management. These are only a few of the people whose help and dedication was Invaluable to the production of Alcala 80 It is Important to realize that the Alcala staff Is a voluntary organization which receives no payment or credit for Its struggles Thank you Henry Zahner Editor
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