Alcalá 1980

Mens Crew

nia Colleges and universities. The high– light of the season is the San Diego Crew Classic, which USO placed third in last year. The event is held at Mis– sion Bay, and brings thirty of the best crews from the East and West coasts, including: Harvard, Cornell, UC Ber– kely, and our own Toreros. The West– ern Sprints, West Coast Champion– ships take place in May in Los Gatos. With the entire varsity team return– ing this year, Coach Steve Estes has high hopes for his team to have an– other winning season .

The USO Mens Crew Team was off to another winning season this yea r. Their pre-season record this year was an impressive 35-4. The team is a member of the West – ern Intercollegiate Rowing Associ– ation . Last year they finished with an 18-5 record, and were second place conference champions. This years team has expanded to three divisions; a freshmen team, var – sity, and junior varsity. The crew sed· son begins in March and features re– gattas between USD and many Califor-

Front Row; L to R Rick Closson, Mark Oemeke, Mall Reno, Mark Ross, Gilbert NMarch Back Row L to R: Coach Steve Estes, Leo O'Brien, Dave Ha Bob O'Connell, Ken Best, Dave Dalton, Harry Henke.


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