A Respectable Romantic | Kazan, Russia | Velichkin & Golovanov | Residential Com- plex | photos by D. Velichkin, G. Yaroshenko | text by Evgenia Bakhturova Dmitry Velichkin and Nikolay Golovanov are still – out of a habit – seen as architects work- ing mostly on private houses and interiors of apartments. At the same time, specific nature of their projects, which have been partially de- fined by their engagement in visual «paper» architecture in the past, on the one hand, and by conjuncture, on the other hand, is such, so that their visual and plastic design is based both on particularly brutal and heavyweight columns and on careless art-nouveau; as prac- tice shows, these traditions get along with each other nicely. And the architects, who are sought after on the market, live well, too. However, at Zodchestvo festival this year the studio presented its first large-scale construc-

ТАТLIN news 5|53|77  2008   73

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