MARCOGAZ Activity Report 2012-2013

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5 year overview of representative companies;

Health & Labour Safety

Accidents by staff per km;

• Accidents by contactors per km, no working hours; • Also include number of stations and installations; • For contactors only the LTI (Long Term Illness) will be mentioned; • The data regarding transmission and distribution will be separated; • No sickness rate anymore; • Road traffic accidents: separate work related and home-work commuting. This activity was felt necessary since environmental aspects girdling gas system operators and natural gas are today subject to an accelerated and continuous evolution. Awareness of this evolution and possibility to act pro- actively on (future) changes is essential when steering the activities of especially the Standing Committee Sustainability and its Working Groups. SWOT analysis

The WG is preparing a paper on safety leadership/safety culture: “Good practices on health and safety in the Gas Industry”. The structure of the document is defined and will be completed in 2013. Programs developed by the member companies about safety culture are presented by the Members. The Members exchanged also information on recent labour incidents and the measures to be taken to avoid them if possible. A comparison of the emergency plans of the member companies has started and could lead to interesting added values to all Members. A MARCOGAZ paper with the common points of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for natural gas as a useful reference for the next revision on the different Gas Companies is being prepared. The annual Health and Safety data collection activity has been overviewed and some modifications have been agreed:

The SWOT questionnaire is intended to be used frequently in order to detect timely shifts and decide on actions.

© photo courtesy of DONG Energy

MARCOGAZ Activity Report 2012 - 2013


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