JCPSLP Vol 14 No 2 2012

Christa Carey-Sargeant is a senior speech pathologist with the Victoria Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and a PhD student with the Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences at the University of Melbourne. Dr Lindsay B. Carey is a lecturer and research fellow with the School of Public Health and Biosciences in the Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. professional development of school counselors: Toward an understanding of terms and findings. Counselor Education & Supervision , 46 , 59–67. Rose, M., & Best, D. (2005). Transforming practice through clinical education, professional supervision and mentoring . London: Elsevier. Rozelle, D. (1997). Trauma and the therapist: Visual image making. Counter-transference and vicarious traumatisation. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering , 58 (4-B), 2136. Sheehan, M. L. (1985). How to confront successfully. In J. D. Shields, J. M. Gavrin, V. Hart-Smith, L. Kombrink, J. S. Kovach, M. L. Sheehan, K. F. Zagata, K. Zander (Eds.), Peer consultation in a group context. A guide for professional nurses (pp. 81–99). New York: Springer. Shields, J. D., Gavrin, J. M., Hart-Smith, V., Kombrink, L., Kovach, J. S., Sheehan, M. L., Zagata, K. F., & Zander, K. (Eds.). (1985). Peer consultation in a group context: A guide for professional nurses . New York: Springer. Shields, J. D., Zagata, K. F., & Zander, K. (Eds.). (1985). Peer consultation in a group context: The cornerstone of sustained professional growth and development. In J. D. Shields, J. M. Gavrin, V. Hart-Smith, L. Kombrink, J. S. Kovach, M. L. Sheehan, K. F. Zagata & K. Zander (Eds.), Peer consultation in a group context. A guide for professional nurses (pp. xv–xvi) New York: Springer. Speech Pathology Australia. (2010a). Code of ethics . Melbourne: The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited. Retrieved from http://www.speechpathologyaustralia. Speech Pathology Australia. (2010b). Competency based occupational standards (CBOS) for speech pathologists entry level . Melbourne: The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited. Retrieved from , library/CBOS%20Entry%20Level%202001.pdfhttp:// Entry%20Level%202001.pdf Speech Pathology Australia. (2010c). Professional self-regulation (PSR) Program. Melbourne: The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited. Retrieved from professional-self-regulation-psr Wallerstein, N., & Bernstein. E. (1988). Empowerment and education: Friere’s ideas adapted to health education. Health Education Quarterly , 15 , 379-394. Wilkerson, K. (2006). Peer supervision for the

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Correspondence to: Christa Carey-Sargeant BSpPath, MEd Department of Audiology and Speech Sciences University of Melbourne 550 Swanston St, Carlton, VIC, Australia phone: +61(0)3 9035 5336 email:


JCPSLP Volume 14, Number 2 2012

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

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