52 Section Section 52

A NMUTH M EDICAL I n t e r n a t i o n a l

N asal Cutting Scissors , Antrum Punch Forceps Pinzas cortantes nasales, Pinzas cortantes para maxilares Pinze taglienti nasali, Pinze sfenoidali

140 mm

52-304-01 5 x 3 . 5 mm 52-304-03 5 x 4 mm

52-304-02 5 x 3 . 5 mm 52-304-04 5 x 4 mm

Killian 58-102-20 20cm, 8 "

HAJEK-KOFLER 52-304-01 to 52-304-04

110 mm

52-305-02 R ight C urved curva a la derecha curva a destra

52-305-03 L eft C urved curva a la izquierda curva a sinistra

52-305-01 S traight recta retta



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